Webinar: How technology will transform investor relations over the next year.

Today's brands are leveraging the latest advances in technology to dramatically improve and streamline their IR program and improve ROI.

Here we discuss how technology is set to transform the world of IR over the next 12 months. You’ll learn how to harness new technologies to improve your IR program, as we explore best practices and predict trends to help you stay ahead of the Street.

We will discuss:

• The most significant tech trends likely to impact the IRO role over the next 12 months.
• How these new technologies can be harnessed to streamline the efficiency of your IR program.
• How today's biggest brands are utilizing technology to dramatically improve IR worfklow and ROI.

Darrell Heaps, CEO, Q4 Inc. (Moderator)
Adam Frederick, SVP, Intelligence, Q4 Inc.
Amit Sanghvi, Managing Director, Europe, Q4 Inc.

Aufrufe: 7


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