Over the last two-and-a-half years, there has been a huge amount of job switching in the IR community. But what should you do if your new role isn’t what you expected?

That’s one of the questions tackled by executive search consultant Smooch Repovich Rosenberg in this new episode of Off the Record with Smooch – our show where Smooch answers a series of questions posed by the IR community.

Here are all the questions covered in this episode:
- I’ve started a new job and it isn’t what I expected. What should I do? (01:07)
- I’d like to add to my responsibilities and compensation. How should I decide whether to stay in my current role or search for a new one? (04:37)
- What ESG-related questions are being asked in IR job interviews? (07:49)
- Other tips on preparing for a job interview (09:23)
- What do you think the IR role will be like in 3-5 years time and what skills will be most important in the future? (11:15)

Aufrufe: 21


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