‘Everyone should have a career bucket list’: How to find direction in your IR career

Where do you see yourself in five years? Head of IR? CFO? Traveling the world on a sabbatical?

In this video interview, Smooch Repovich Reynolds, founder and CEO of Smooch Unplugged, suggests ways for IR professionals to better understand what they want to get out of their career.

Among her advice? Write a career bucket list. ‘This goes back to the fundamentals of thinking about your career,’ she says. ‘You’re not always going to achieve 100 percent of it, but wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve 90 percent?’

Reynolds also discusses how to uncover roles that match your aspirations. ‘Did you ask the CFO in your second meeting… the questions that are going to reveal the character of that person?’ she says.

Aufrufe: 21


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